Friday, August 1, 2014

Classes come and they goooooo...

This is the end of yet another class, although not the end of many more new experiences. For the longest while I've regarded Web2.0 technologies as silly, whimsical, a passing fad, a waste of time, the list goes on. What I've come to realize is that they are not passing fads, nowhere near as silly as I once thought they were, and serve a greater purpose.

We have entered a new day and age where technology is a part of who we are as an American culture. Many of us wake up to technology, apps, and tools only to fall asleep to them. Many doors have been opened politically and socially that were never available. We can organize and assemble much more efficiently and create movements that in previous years would have take twice or thrice as long to manifest.

I've had the wrong mentality about Web2.0 all along. It is not a means of hindering the populace by allowing the internet to entrap us with its spindly tentacles, but a means of freeing the people and allowing the truest form of freedom of speech to occur, widespread assembly and sharing of common interests. Much beyond the new tools that I now understand and am able to use, the greatest thing that has happened since the start of this class is a change in mindset and energy. For that I am thankful for having taken this class.

Till next class


  1. Well said. We can't get away from technology- even if we wanted to because it's too integrated in our work, educational, and home life environments. There were some tools like Pinterest where I didn't have an interest in using, but a number of them won me over. Take care and much success to you.

  2. Wow! Didn't realize you started with such a dark view of the internet culture!
