Saturday, July 5, 2014

The End of the Camp Season

My reign as Camp Director has ended for the season and work returns to "normalcy!" I am both excited and sad that camp has finished. Long days, short nights, little personal time, few hours for homework, parent drama, youth drama, paperwork nightmares, learning how to be a leader and teacher, improving communication skills, making new friends and business connections, driving a headlight-less golf cart around at night. My old-black-back-country camp cook told me that if I carried too many heavy things I would loose my woman-hood, no longer be able to bear children and my boyfriend would no longer want me because I would be useless. We had a youth poop in a bag and hide it in the camp sulfur sock.  I learned how to drive a boat via my program director Brice, jumping out of the speeding boat. Needless to say I am delighted for and fearing next year.

Keeping in touch and up to date with my online class was a nightmare. I might reconsider taking summer classes, or at least summer A and B classes, to avoid an educational failure. It was difficult finishing each week of camp to fill my 12 hr "break" with missed classwork, projects, blogs, etc. tell myself to buck up maybe there will be more time next week.

What I can say in regards to my class is expect a whole heap more from me and as a camp director watch out 'cause it's going to be wild camp next year!

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