Sunday, June 8, 2014

I can learn anything!

Diversification of knowledge due to Web2.0 has become the largest selling point of the Web2.0 tools that have become so readily available. So much more information has been made widely accessible, allowing for the public to be far more knowledgeable about any topic they so choose.

There was once a time when, in order to look up new information, you needed to search through a filing cabinet full of cards with each book listed. This was a time consuming process that may have been a reason, more or less, as for why finding quick specific information proved new impossible.
For a far more extensive time period, newspapers have been a primary source of trending and varied information. Although newspapers offer a great collective of information, most of the articles I sift through to find the few topics of interest (heath, cartoons) and leave the rest as recycling.

With Pinterest, Facebook, every blog and forum imaginable, and Google Chrome, I can learn practically everything about anything or everything about nothing at all. I have learned that crushed aspirin dissolved in water helps your plants fight off infections, one of the best pumpkin bar recipes you'll ever have, 25 life changing hacks. The list goes on. Most times Web2.0 helps in ways as simple as, I have three yellow squashes and a handful of radishes, what can I make for dinner?

What new things have you learned via Web2.0 means? How has it affected your life?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're having too much fun. Tone it down a bit, won't you!!!
    It's true though. All anyone needs to learn is a computer, internet connection, desire and time.
